Food Pantry
Operating Hours: 3:30 – 5:30pm every Monday & Thursday (unless these days fall on a major holiday)
“Client Choice” Pantry
New Clients – Long Island Cares requires each new client to fill-out a one-time application
Long Island Cares
Major Donors:
Long Island Cares Inc.
Members of Our Savior
Thanksgiving Baskets for needy families – Contact Food Pantry Staff during Pantry operating hours
Pre K to 12th grade
Sunday Evenings 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Open to all
For an updated schedule please go to:
Meet’s every other Saturday from 8am – 9:30am
Breakfast included!
Refer to church calendar or “Robin’s Corner” for the latest schedule
Bible Study every other Saturday from 9:30am – 11:00am
Refer to church calendar or “Robin’s Corner” for the latest schedule
Breakfast included!
Special Women’s events throughout the year – See Church Newsletter & Robin’s Corner for more info.
Women’s Meal Plan Service for those in need in our church. Looking for ladies to volunteer in putting together meals for those church members who are sick or in need of a meal for themselves or their family. Need help in assembling meals, shoppers, food donations, and "wanna be chefs". Oh, and some monetary donations would help.
Meeting once a month to prepare food for those in need (our next meeting: TBA). We did this once last month already and loved every minute! We prepped 15 meals that will be distributed to some deserving church members this month. We laughed, we cooked, we chopped, mixed and mashed! And we had a freezer full of meals ready to go!
Do you know of someone who could use a meal? Please contact social ministries. Would you like to donate? You can use the blank line on your offering envelope to designate funds for this. Just write “Freezer Meals” on the line, and the amount you would like to donate. We will also do a door offering once a month, when we can. Would you also like to join us?
8 & 10:30 AM: Worship Service
• Childcare Provided
9:15 AM:
• Children's Sunday School
(Pre K to 6th Grade)
• Confirmation Program
(7th & 8th Grade)
• Adult Bible Study
• High School Bible Study
Communion Service Every Sunday
Pastor: Rev. Ronald W. Stelzer
Assistant to the Pastor: Gary D’Aquino, LCMS Deacon
Director of Parish Music: Ray Knehnetski
Secretary: Robin Reade
140 Mark Tree Road
Centereach, NY 11720
(631) 588-2757
Copyright by Our Savior Lutheran Church.
All Rights Reserved 2021